Environmental Condition Testing
In today’s worldwide markets, packaged-products are likely to be shipped through a diverse array of climates on their way to their final destination. Environmental Condition testing is important in helping to design packaging that can withstand various temperatures and humidity levels – and more importantly the rapid and constant changing of these variables that a package can experience.
Our various environmental control chambers, refrigerators, and freezers can replicate various temperatures and humidity levels so that a packaged product can be studied for its durability in these changing environmental conditions.
Calibrated data acquisition systems and probes are used to measure temperature and relative humidity at different locations of your products and packages.

Equipment used for Environmental Conditioning:
Tenney: Walk-In Environmental Chamber

Tenney Environmental Walk In Cycling Chamber
Model #: WIT-542-RS-5R-A-VTVQ-G
Temperature Range: -35C to 85C (+/- 1C)
Humidity Range: 20%-95% (+/- 5%)
Door Size: 60 in. x 77 in.
Internal Size: 100 in. x 93 in. x 96 in.
Chamber Specs: Available Here
Tenny Enviro Chamber

Tenney Thermal Product Solutions - Cycling Test Chamber
Model #: TC30RS2.0-A-F4T-B
Temperature Range: -35C to 180C (+/- 1C)
Humidity Range: 20%-95% (+/- 2%)
Internal Size: 36 in. x 40 in. x 36 in. (30 cubic feet)
Chamber Specs Available: Yes
Warren-Sherer, division of Kysor Industrial Corp: Walk-In Freezer

Warren-Sherer, division of Kysor Industrial Corporation: Walk-In Fridge
Model #: CER 10-10 L
Temperature Range: 1C-10C
Humidity Range: N/A
Door Size: 32 inches
Internal Size:
Thermo-Fisher Scientific - Forma Environmental Chamber: Stand-Alone Environmental Chamber

Thermo-Fisher Scientific - Forma Environmental Chamber: Stand-Alone Environmental Chamber 4
Model #: 3940
Temperature Range: 0 C to 60 C, +-3 degrees
Humidity Range: Above ambient to 95%
Internal Size: 30"W x 60"H x 24"D and/or 29 cubic feet
Chamber Specs Available: Yes
Related Standards:
- General: ASTM D4332
- General: ASTM D7386
- General: ISO 2233
- General: TAPPI T402
- Cold Chain ISTA 7D
- Cold Chain ISTA 7E
- Cold Chain ISTA D3103