CPULD partnered with ISTA to give a webinar about industrial forklift vibrations

Dr. Laszlo Horvath, Director, Center for Packaging and Unit Load Design, partnered with the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) over the summer to provide the industry worldwide with a webinar on the Measurement and Analysis of Industrial Forklifts Vibration Levels. During this webinar, Dr. Horvath summarized the results of his graduate student, Yu Yang Huang’s, research on industrial forklift vibrations.
Forklifts are one of the most common material handling equipment used in warehouses and distribution centers. Vibration generated by forklifts may have an effect on the performance of unit loads and product damage rate. Historical research projects focused predominantly on the measurement of vibration for over-the-road transportation. Thus, there is a lack of understanding of the level of vibration caused by forklifts as a function of different factors such as speed, surface quality, forklift type and unit load weight.
The goal of this study was to understand how vibration experienced by forklifts is affected by factors such as speed, road conditions, unit load weight, type of forklift, and sensor location. For the study, power spectral density (PSD) was collected using data loggers. Vibration levels were measured for three different industrial forklifts (gas-powered forklift, electric-powered forklift, and reach truck) under two different types of surface (concrete and asphalt). The forklifts were driven at two different speeds (2mph and 3mph) while carrying two different unit load weights (1,500 lbs. and 2,500 lbs.). For all the conditions, the vibration levels were measured at the forklift carriage and fork tine tips.
The results obtained showed that the highest vibrational intensity occurred at 3-4 Hz, while the highest Grms value observed was 0.145 G2/Hz. An increase in the forklift speed caused an increase in vibration intensity. In contrast, an increase in the unit load weight carried by the forklift caused a decrease in vibration intensity. Among the three forklifts studied, the gas-powered forklift had the highest vibration intensity, and forklifts driven on asphalt experienced more vibration. The obtained forklift profile will be used to generate a dynamic test to assess the performance of the pallet on the forklift.
ISTA reached out to us about giving this webinar as this research project fell perfectly into ISTA’s mission, vision, and values. ISTA strives “to empower organizations and their people to minimize product damage throughout distribution and optimize resource through effective package design and to be the leading inspiration and resource for improving our world through transport packaging globally. ISTA helps members control costs, damage, and resources during the distribution of packaged products by creating and publishing packaged-product test procedures; certifying packaging laboratories, packaged-products, and professionals; and by providing education, training and support.”